From Okay FM – I was in a Taxi today and heard a very disturbing news. Gone are days when students study for their grades, just to hear today on Okay FM, a Female Student from Legon was caught on Video having hot s£x with a Lecturer in exchange for grades. 

From the presenters analysis, the lecturer was the plot of the barter trade system. The presenter further describes the two parties; a fair sexy legon student and a dark-muscled old lecturer h∪mping the innocent student. 

He constantly shouted, “The Vice Chancellor and the administration of University of Ghana, have you seen the new viral video going around on your campus ?” The presenter didn’t provide online source for the video but he made the public rest assured that he had seen the video. 

NB: The above publication was a story from the radio station, OKAY FM and we will follow up to find out more about this $candal.

Soma Nafasi za kazi na ajira bofya hapa chini kutizama, Mjulishe na mwenzio

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